Assistant Professor, Washington University in St. Louis

I’m an assistant professor of biological anthropology at Washington University in St. Louis (B.S., University of Notre Dame, 2011; M.S., University of Oregon, 2013; Ph.D., University of Oregon, 2018).
I study how environmental factors and living conditions influence infectious disease risk (especially parasitic disease), and how these factors can produce and perpetuate health inequities. My work utilizes a biocultural approach, strongly rooted in life history theory, to examine how lifestyle variation influences individual physiology and immune function. I am also interested in understanding how these interactions can be used to design more effective disease intervention programs.
Other research interests include global aging processes, body composition and metabolic syndrome, and reproductive endocrinology.
Washington University in St. Louis
Department of Anthropology
Campus Box 1114
One Brookings Drive
Washington University
St. Louis, MO 63130
Recent media attention
Parasite infection may create "zombies".
REACH findings in the Metro East highlighted on the local news.
Ongoing REACH Study work examining the long-term helath and socioeconomic impacts of parasitic disease was featured in the WUSTL Ampersand magazine.
My research on helminth infection patterns among the Shuar and in the American South was profiled on the Sausage of Science podcast.